CF12B Correct Solution?
One cold winter evening Alice and her older brother Bob was sitting at home near the fireplace and giving each other interesting problems to solve. When it was Alices turn, she told the number nn to Bob and said:
—Shuffle the digits in this num…
2024/11/26 14:30:35
Product of Three Numbers(CF-1294C)
Problem Description You are given one integer number n. Find three distinct integers a,b,c such that 2≤a,b,c and a⋅b⋅cn or say that it is impossible to do it. If there are several answers, you can print any. You have to answer t independent test cases. …
2025/1/18 18:27:09
CF1042C Array Product
原题链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/1042/problem/C Array Product
You are given an array a a a consisting of n n n integers. You can perform the following operations with it:
Choose some positions i i i and j ( 1 ≤ i , j ≤ n , i ≠ j )…
2024/11/24 19:35:15