

Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 3)题解(A-G)

Codeforces Round #760 比赛链接A. Polycarp and Sums of SubsequencesB. Missing BigramC. Paint the ArrayD. Array and OperationsE. Singers TourF. ReverseG. Trader Problem 比赛链接 Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 3) A. Polycarp and Sums of Subsequences 题意 有一个…

Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 2)

Codeforces Round #760 A. Polycarp and Sums of SubsequencesB. Missing Bigram A. Polycarp and Sums of Subsequences A. Polycarp and Sums of Subsequences 题目意思: 这道题的意思是一个长度为3数组,由其内部元素两两或全部相加得到的数&#xff0…

【超好懂的比赛题解】Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 3)

title :Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 3) date : 2021-12-15 tags : ACM,练习记录 author : Linno 题目链接 :Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 3) 补题进度:4/7 小结:E题以为是一个线代题,结果被数据和没模数劝退了。前面出题慢&…

D. Array and Operations-Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 3)

D. Array and Operations time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given an array aa of nn integers, and another integer kk such that 2k≤n2k≤n. You have to perform exact…

Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 3) A~G题解

A. Polycarp and Sums of Subsequences 题目 ​ 给我们一个长度为 3 3 3 的正整数数组 a a a 。 b b b 是一个长度为 7 7 7 的数组, b b b 中的每个元素代表着数组 a a a 某个子序列的元素和。 ​ 例如 a a a 数组等于 { 1 , 4 , 3 } \{1,4,3\} {1,4,3} , 那么 b {…

Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 3) D. Array and Operations

题目链接:Problem - D - Codeforces You are given an array aa of n integers, and another integer k such that 2k≤n. You have to perform exactly k operations with this array. In one operation, you have to choose two elements of the array (let the…

【比赛笔记】Codeforces Round #760 (Div. 3)总结

在CF上用虚拟参加的方式打了一场比赛,过程是这样的: 1.A题有一点绕,想了几分钟才想出思路,之后写出的代码样例没过,于是换了个角度想问题,代码不仅更简洁了,而且瞬间AC,总用时15分钟…




